Lately I've been thinking (and feeling) that watching TV series is my new hobby. When I've nothing to do, I'll open my netbook and start watching/downloading them. (Piracy? Guilty as charged T~T)

It makes me happy when I'm sad, it makes me feel better when I get a bad day, and it makes my day even brighter when I've been feeling good all day B)


Here's the list of my favourite TV series :

  2. The Big Bang Theory
  3. Modern Family
  4. Community
  5. Leverage
  6. FlashForward
  7. The Last Man Standing
  8. The IT Crowd
  9. Castle
  10. Glee
And the rest....still in progress becoming my favourite :p

I want to write post for each of them, so then you can try watch them if you're interested too (like one of my friend who did some kind of review) but I don't know when I have much time for that, I'll do my best though.

Horaaaay~ I've found my new hobby besides eating all the food! :D

This picture? I just googled it.

My New...Hobby?

by on December 28, 2011
Lately I've been thinking (and feeling) that watching TV series is my new hobby. When I've nothing to do, I'll open my netbook...
Yang dulu terpendam kini mendobrak keluar bersama air mata. Bukan mencari simpati, tapi meluapkan  isi hati, walaupun  aku merasa tercurangi. Baru sekarang? Harus sekarang? Di saat yang tidak tepat ini?

Lagi-lagi aku menyombongkan  diri. Aku dulu marah. Berpikir untuk mengamuk  dan melarikan diri. Aku tidak menutupinya.  Aku berkata bahwa aku tidak suka. Berkata bahwa aku tidak berminat dan berniat. Berkata bahwa pilihan yang jatuh kepadaku adalah salah, terburu-buru, tanpa pertimbangan yang matang.

Lagi-lagi aku ingin menjadi pusat perhatian. Lihatlah  aku sekarang. Apa kamu mendengar  tangisanku? Apa mereka yang tidak tahu menjadi mengerti  hanya  dengan air matamu?

Kenapa kamu tidak mengatakan  sesuatu kepada kami jauh hari?

Mengapa kamu berpura-pura kuat selama ini?

Lagi-lagi aku menganalisa. Kesalahanmu  kesalahan kami juga. Walapun kamu bukan satu-satunya yang salah arah, tapi kepura-puraan mu membuatku  marah. 

AS - U

by on December 21, 2011
Yang dulu terpendam kini mendobrak keluar bersama air mata. Bukan mencari simpati, tapi meluapkan  isi hati, walaupun  aku merasa tercuran...
Beberapa anak ngumpul di depan UKP dan gedung B sambil curi-curi pandang ke arah taman Psikologi. Cuaca siang itu mendung, semendung hatiku yang waktu itu habis ujian Psikologi Belajar dan belum selesai belajar Kriminologi. Aku ditemani Hita (which I call Hicul) berjalan menuju kantin, mau nggak mau lewat pinggir taman Psikologi.

Dan tiba-tiba…

Hicul : Eh, Lei…itu artis bukan sih? Kayaknya pernah liat…

Deva (yang kebetulan ketemu di depan pos satpam) : Iya, itu si Rio Dewanto~

Aku : Ooh..bintang iklan Simpati itu ya? *dalam hati : kan itu namanya Sule, bukan Rio #salahiklan* Ngapain dia di sini?

Deva : Itu tadi ada pacarnya, Atika, Atika-nya lagi konsultasi kali di UKP.

Hicul and me : *manggut-manggut*

Hicul : Eh, lewat situ yuk, mau lihat dia dari deket. Hehe

Maka lewat depan Rio Dewanto lah kami menuju ke kantin.

Beberapa orang ada yang biasa aja saat ketemu artis. Ada juga yang cuma heboh kalau ketemu sama idolanya, kalau ketemu sama artis yang nggak diidolain ya biasa aja. Beberapa orang lain selalu heboh kalau ketemu siapa aja, yang penting terkenal. Beberapa orang lain heboh setiap ngeliat cowok ganteng, nggak peduli artis atau tukang parkir. Yang gawat sih, orang yang hebohnya  sampe lupa umur, lupa pacar, atau lupa pesanan soto ayam dari seorang gadis yang lagi galau Krimonologi.

Saat Rio Dewanto mampir ke kantin Psikolgi, saat itu pula lah ibu-ibu kantin berubah menjadi genit.

Ibu kantin 1     : Mas, boleh dong jadi asistennya~  Tapi cari yang muda-muda ya??
Ibu kantin 2    : Kurang pedes nggak, Mas? *senyum-senyum*

Ibu kantin 1     : Wong wis tua ningo yo isih seneng ndelok wong bagus! *ketawa genit*

Ini ibu kantin lhoh ya, bukan saya.

Well, nothing I could do about it. Ibu-ibu kantin jarang terhibur di biliknya masing-masing, kunjungan artis tersebut merupakan hal yang baik ;)

Sekilas Info(tainment)

by on November 16, 2011
Beberapa anak ngumpul di depan UKP dan gedung B sambil curi-curi pandang ke arah taman Psikologi. Cuaca siang itu mendung, semendung hatiku...
I woke up this morning with guilty feeling because I yelled (a bit) at my mother while she was trying to wake me up. Padahal Mama nggak  salah apa-apa sih, cuma bangunin aku, seperti hari-hari biasanya. Hanya saja pagi tadi aku nggak terbangunkan oleh alarm yang telah aku setel malam sebelumnya dan itu membuatku kesal. I thought I just woke up on the wrong side of bad again.

But things got better :)

1. Komik buatan Dwi dan diskusi yang menyertainya. Gambarnya Dwi baguus...ceritanya juga menarik, nggak sabar mau baca kalau udah jadi. Ganbatte kudasai~! x3

2. Ketawa denger cerita temen yang akting 'letoy' demi tugas mata kuliah Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (ngakaknya serius, nggak bohong)

3. Curhat dikit sama temen-temen di Psikomed...walaupun sebelumnya suntuk gara-gara satu dan lain hal (next time I'll write about it)

4. Nyicipin serabi kucur yang dibeli Hita.

5. Dapet sms dari Yudho, bilang kalo Sabtu nggak jadi rapat, jadi Sabtu besok bisa maen sama temen-temen Psikomed ke Goa Cemara~

6. Banyak yang ketawa waktu kelompokku jadi energizer di Psikologi Belajar, walau agak wagu juga sih.

7. Berenang~ dan kali ini bareng Wanda.

8. Pulang-pulang makan fetuchini buatan kakak :9

Cuma mau laporan aja. Sebenarnya pengen nulis banyak, tapi mau garap tugas dan posisi netbook lagi nggak enak. Intinya, ternyata hal-hal yang biasa bisa kerasa anu banget :)

Note : 'anu banget' itu bahasa bikinanku yang artinya epic :3 *ngaco*
2NE1, a girl band from Korea
I don't know why they took these pictures, I just googled it,
but I'm proud of them for being brave by showing their faces without make up.

One thing I know about beauty is it's all about perception. It doesn't matter to have flat nose, fatty arms, pimples, or whatever, if you perceive that beauty is not about the looks. But it is, sometimes, that's just the truth. I'm not talking about 'the truth' that pure comes from heart, but the truth that happens in reality. Sometimes people see beauty from what we looks physically. Sometimes beauty is skin-deep and that sucks.

Note : I always believe that beauty is all about what's on our mind.

Sometimes I get jealous when I see beautiful girls. Not just the pretty ones, but girls that so cute and so creative. I don't know whether it comes from last child factor or it's just me feeling envy. I'm not a type of girl that feeling and looking pretty in every seconds of the day, I'm grumpy and when I'm in the wrong mood I'm not even close from the word 'attractive'.

And today, I woke up on the wrong side of bed and that makes me feel ugly. And when we feel ugly, bam!, we are.

So I guess all I need to do is find a way to cure my bad mood and then I'll have confidence to feel pretty again. Hmmm... a stick of ice cream wont be bad...

I Feel Ugly Today

by on October 03, 2011
2NE1, a girl band from Korea I don't know why they took these pictures, I just googled it, but I'm proud of them for being brav...
I wanted to go to Lir after one of my fellas told me there's a cafe which serves Butterbeer from Harry Potter series and ginger ale from Enid Blyton's novels. This is like the dream comes true, I always curious with the 'limun jahe' in Famous Five series! So, two days ago I went to Lir Shop with my friends.

Lir Shop took place in Jl. Anggrek1/33 Baciro, Yogyakarta. It was a small cafe in the middle of redisential, so it's a bit hard to find it. The atmosphere was so quiet when I got there. In the front of the shop, there was a tree with cups dangled on it. It got me thinking, it would be wonderful if they put little lamps in the bottom of the cups and turn them on at night. But I think Lir's idea was 'go green', so it's a slight opportunity for them to do that such a wasful decorative things. But still, I think it was a great idea ;)

the dangled cups
what a pity, we didn't come when the bands playing :(

They named their cafe Mooi. There was only one table of costumers when I got there. There were only six tables so I was glad that we had choices to decide where we gonna sit. When we arrived, the waiter gave us menu and The Story Tree Book (if I'm not mistaken) which the customers can write anything about their day at Lir Shop.

The chairs and the tables were outside the shop. The  chairs and the table were cute, they were in white and green pastel color. I like the table number, it was so cute and colorful. It gave us feeling like we were in the middle of picnic in summer time. I'd always prefer autumn and winter atmosphere, but I enjoy summer and spring too.

it's so cute, isn't it?

our table

the menu is so adorable <3

It was around 1 pm when I and my friends order our food. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that the ginger ale didn't come in personal glass but in a pitcher, so I didn't order that... :(

Here's some pictures of food and beverage we ordered.

hot butterbeer

citrus smoothies

curry fried rice

mother bear's porridge
I ordered some beverage called Pink-something-Summer too (i dont remember the complete name), but i forgot to take the picture. Overall food had a good taste but the curry fried rice was too salty for me.

The food costs around 9k - 25k, and the beverage was about 4k - 14k. I'm not sure about the cost range because I don't remember the cheapest and the most expensive menu -____-

After a long chat with my friends and had some laugh, we went inside to the shop. There was Summer and Spring Store which provide some clothes, bags, and jewelry in summer theme. Well, it seems like the owner really loves all the things about summer and spring time :)

What I like about Lir Shop :
               + very quiet atmosphere, nice place to relax or to read some books
               + cute summer-spring stuff
               + tasty food and beverage
               + not too expensive
               + friendly waiter/waitress
               + at sometimes, they hold nice and creative events (i know it from their blog)

What I don't really like about Lir Shop :
               - one of the napery in my table had wide stain on it, though it was a clean table
               - theres just little variation of food in menu

Anyway, my friends and I had a nice day at Lir Shop! I will go there again someday. Maybe you should try the taste of Mooi by Lir Shop too, where the fiction and reality mingle. That's what they say, so come and prove it! :)

{Lir} Shop : Review

by on September 09, 2011
I wanted to go to Lir after one of my fellas told me there's a cafe which serves Butterbeer from Harry Potter series and ginger ale fro...

Goosebumps. Novel series karangan R.L. Stine yang bertajuk horor remaja ini sempat aku baca waktu aku duduk di bangku SD, mungkin pas aku kelas 4. Seperti biasanya, aku pinjem novel dari Cinul, teman sepermainan waktu aku masih bocah. Cinul ini punya banyaaaaaak buku keren, jadi banyak temen yang pinjem buku ke dia, nggak cuma aku aja. Salah satu orang yang juga seirng pinjem buku ke dia adalah Suraya.

Di suatu sore, saat kami sedang bermain di deket Mushola, tiba-tiba Cinul berkata,

“Mbak Dhita Goose,

aku Bum,

kamu Ps nya Sur.”

Jadilah kami bertiga adalah Goosebumps. *krikk*

Sebenarnya aku lebih suka Lima Sekawan (Famous Five,karangan Enid Blyton), di mana aku jadi Julian, Cinul jadi George, Suraya jadi Dick, dan Inka jadi Annie.

*sebenernya dulu sering ngejek bahwa Suraya adalah Tim, tapi lama-lama kasihan juga sih*

What a wonderful childhood and this story is just a piece of it  :)

all pictures above taken at Mooi - Lir Shop

Meet The Goose-Bum-Ps

by on September 08, 2011
Goosebumps. Novel series karangan R.L. Stine yang bertajuk horor remaja ini sempat aku baca waktu aku duduk di bangku SD, mungkin pas aku...

This is it, my new blog! Horaay~ :D

I'm not used to post something in my previous blog regularly, but I hope I can do better this time. I close my old blog because I want to start my blog-life with something fresh…even I used to change my blog title, but this time I feel that I have to make another blog. Call me moody, ‘ababil : abg labil’ or whatever, I just keep trying to find something that fits me.

Sometimes I write in English (which is I'm not really mastered actually, I’m still learning), Indonesian, and a little bit of Javanese .

I write everything I like to, my feeling, my day, my cat, my friends, my little story, and stuff that maybe don’t even matter with anything but I write it anyway, so…forgive my randomness T,T

Feel free to follow and I like some comments too :)

And the reason is...

by on August 15, 2011
This is it, my new blog! Horaay~ :D I'm not used to post something in my previous blog regularly, but I hope I can do better this ti...