Seharusnya Aku Memelukmu Lebih Lama by Arnindhita Lei on November 21, 2016 source : here Kita tidak pernah bertukar kabar. Bertemu pun, itu hanya kebetulan semata. Walaupun aku percaya kebetulan itu adalah t...
I Have A Thing For Sad Songs, You Should Know That By Now by Arnindhita Lei on October 07, 2016 Kemarin waktu karaokean sama teman-teman, aku yang kebosanan sama lagu-lagu yang biasa aku nyanyikan browsing judul lagu di layar sentuh d...
Bad Post Title by Arnindhita Lei on April 30, 2016 The frustrating feeling when you're inspired to write a songfic but then get distracted by other intense song and you want to write an...
Good Marketing Skill by Arnindhita Lei on April 29, 2016 "Maaf mbak, boleh nanya? Itu makan sendiri nggak pake minum apa nggak seret? Ini ada sari kacang ijo....", kata seorang mas-ma...
Hampir Lupa by Arnindhita Lei on April 28, 2016 Sudah nonton Game of Throne? Saya tadi pagi baru nonton. Saya nangis di 20-an menit pertama. Huhuhuhu. Akhirnya.... AKHIRNYA story lin...
Countdown by Arnindhita Lei on April 27, 2016 A week before I turn 25. I'm terrified. It's not about getting old, 25 is not old, 65 is. I hate people who say something ...
Why Did I Even Care So Much About This Post's Title I Can't Even by Arnindhita Lei on March 30, 2016 Aren't you tired? Falling into the same hole again and again. Making the same turn, knowing you'll get in the same place over and ...
The last time you cried, who'd you think was inside? by Arnindhita Lei on March 15, 2016 Elliott Smith - Bottle Up And Explode Bottle up and explode over and over Keep the troublemaker below Put it away and check...
Sabtu Sore Sendirian : Nanamia & Beatles Night by Arnindhita Lei on February 08, 2016 Nggak benar-benar sendirian sih, mungkin ada seratus orang yang berpapasan denganku di hari Sabtu lalu, tapi tahu lah apa maksudku. 06...
Tiga Hari Belakangan by Arnindhita Lei on February 06, 2016 James Hersey - Coming Over Is it alright if I come round? Is it too late if I come now? Would you stay up to figure this...
More Than Twice by Arnindhita Lei on January 23, 2016 Actually I wrote something that I can not wait to share with you. Yeah, you, anyone who randomly end up reading my blog. Thank you for rea...
Nanny's Pavillon Jogja - Library by Arnindhita Lei on January 15, 2016 Sudah buka dari entahlah, beberapa tahun yang lalu, tapi aku baru menyempatkan diri jajan di sini bulan ini. Tempatnya di lantai dasar...
Good Girl, Bad Girl, Does It Matter? by Arnindhita Lei on January 10, 2016 Kata Nadya, kalau dengerin lagunya Lana Del Rey itu rasanya pengen jadi nakal. Ucapan itu langsung aku setujui karena aku merasakannya jug...
Hello 2016! by Arnindhita Lei on January 04, 2016 Source : here. Tahun 2015 aku lalui dengan perasaan 'meh'. Masih bersyukur dengan segala hal yang telah Tuhan limpahkan ke...